28 March 2017

Taco Tuesday: Spicy Shrimp Tacos

I mean who doesn't love tacos? I love cooking and trying new recipes but I loathe spending hours in the kitchen and cleaning up a big mess.  So to remedy that I'm always on board for a good quick and easy meal. I'd never made them before and wanted to try my hand at shrimp tacos. I found an amazing recipe for them over at Gimme Delicious. If you're into clean & healthy eating then check them out they have tons of great options.

What I love most about these tacos is that they are so fresh, light and satisfying! Almost hard to believe something so easy to make could also be packed with so much flavor. The possibilities are endless with these. I definitely plan to try new combinations of this recipe in the future.

The avocado salsa is delicious on its own but I threw in a little chopped mango and a dash of  mozzarella. You can always add whatever fixings you like to the salsa, pineapples would be yummy. 

Tomatoes, fresh jalapenos, avocados, cilantro and a dash of lime - yum!   

Trust me, these are just as delicious as they look. You can top them with a little sour cream or ready made salsa if you like. Don't forget to grill or toast your flour tortillas, enjoy! 


27 March 2017

High Museum of Art Atlanta

I've been trying to get in the spirit of doing more things around my city. It's crazy that although I've lived here all my life there are still tons of places I've never been to yet. Lots of new places and lots of old places that I'm almost ashamed of admitting to never visiting. (i.e. the historic Coca Cola Company). I don't know, I guess when you've lived in a place so long you always kinda figure you have all the time in the world to go but sometimes that just never happens. I'm working on changing that.

I love the arts, all mediums.  I've probably visited The High only a handful of times - usually intrigued by specific exhibits which sparked my recent trip. I left inspired as always and just wanted to share a few photos. If you're in the Atlanta area you should definitely check it out. Enjoy!

Hale Woodruff's Murals at Talladega College
Depiction of the rise of blacks from slavery to freedom

Daniel Arsham "Hourglass" Exhibit

"Hourglass" by Daniel Arsham
The display features a dim room full of basketballs

A cute little house structure outside of the museum

A small unbound Qur'an written in Arabic script Maghrbi. Which was used in North Africa, Spain and Sicily in 1600.


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